Still one of my favorite photos from a few years back.
Covid numbers and restrictions were high, but we could still travel to France to visit a few universities. We spent the weekend masked up, navigating a near-empty Metro, eating mostly takeout...or what we could cook up in our little AirBnb.
Lots of great conversations, laughter, and some tears...mostly mine, thinking of my Em moving to another country.
"Karma"...I thought to myself, as I remembered moving to another country at that age (also France), so far from my mom.
Em kept teasing me by humming the Abba song, "Slipping through my fingers" and watching me tear up on a dime...followed by a loving squeeze, "Oh Mom, it's gonna be ok,” she reassured.
She was right. It was and it is okay. It just took a few moments for my momma heart to signal that reassurance to my momma brain.
I was lucky to visit her in France last weekend and celebrate her birthday. No Covidy restrictions this time and much laughter as we made new memories in her current hometown.
Letting go is a quiet act of courage; allowing them to step into their own journey while holding the memories close. It’s bittersweet, but in the "letting go," we find space for pride, love, and the joy of watching them thrive.
You grow girl.🌿